Friday, 12 May 2017

Food on Friday: May – a new monthly format for you

So I've changed up the Food on Friday concept.  Each month on the second Friday of the month a new monthly Food on Friday collection will begin.  As you can see, this time there are 3 themes – mushrooms, stone fruit and tomatoes.  In addition you can anything else you would like as part of the Pot Luck category.

I'm not sure if everyone is familiar with what stone fruit is – it includes apricots, nectarines, peaches, cherries, mangoes, plums and even lychees!  A cornucopia of deliciousness.

I'll still be pinning your creations to the relevant Pinboards – Mushrooms, Stone Fruit and Tomatoes – as well as popping the Pot Luck dishes onto whatever other pinboards seem most relevant.

The link up will be open for the rest of the month and right up to next month's Food on Friday begins.  You can link in something for each category all at once or over the course of the month – whatever suits.  There will be a reminder post each Friday and some features each Thursday in my Need Some Inspiration series.

To add your dishes, just put the name of the dish together with your blog name/name into the first Mr Linky box you will find below.  Then paste the url for your post about it into the second box.



  1. Thanks for hosting! Enjoy your weekend. :)

  2. Very cool, I like all the themes!

  3. Hi Carole a lovely old recipe for meatballs in tomato sauce today.

  4. Chicken, Kale and Mushroom Pie... Autumn food.

  5. Hi Carole,
    Thanks for the party and I will be sure to bookmark the new party format. Have a good weekend!

  6. How fitting that I am able to link my Wild Mushroom & Spelt Tart - given it was the item I made for Eurovision last year and it's on again this weekend.

  7. And for those who live in the Northern Hemisphere, I've linked Smoked Tomato Sorbet. Is it a savoury? Is it a sweet? Does it matter with all that smoky deliciousness?

  8. thank you for the invitation to your party. I made a mistake though. So sorry I put my blog name where it read name. Hope you can fix it to Chicken Marsala aka Chicken with Mushrooms xo

  9. thanks for the invite, My cake seems a bit out of place :)

  10. Hi Carole, Thank you for inviting me to join in on the fun. I've added a few recipes, I hope thats okay - Spicy Instant Mango Pickle, a Mango Chia Pudding, Mushroom Toast Bites and Homemade Nectarine Jam.

  11. What a wonderful collection of posts, I look forward to visiting them!

  12. Thanks for inviting me. I've got lots of food to visit now!

  13. Hiya Carole! Sorry for abandoning you, I'll try and do better in future. lol ;) I brought my new favourite - the Prawn Pad Thai - for your potluck. :D

  14. Love the new format. And thanks for all you do. I've submitted my Citrus Marinated Mushrooms. Happy Friday.

  15. Have a great weekend Carole!

  16. Thanks so much for the invite, Carole. I was a total knucklehead this morning...I entered my name instead of the name of my post. Sorry about that!

    1. I've just done exactly the same... Oops? So tired! :)

    2. All sorted out for you now. Cheers

  17. Thanks for hosting and reminding me about this. I've added a fun Raspberry Soup for the potluck and a Prune and Apple stuffed Pork Loin for the stone fruit category, and some Tomato Tulips for the tomato category and how about an Asian style stir fry for the Mushrooms? Whew, I think I'm done now.

  18. Hi Carole - thanks for inviting me over. Although, like one of the earlier commenters I too managed to stick my name in rather than the name of the post! My only excuse is that it is still rather early here!! Is it possible to delete and start again...? Thanks so much for hosting, by the way, some great dishes here to check out!


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers